4 Differences between Indonesian Warmindo and Malaysian Mamak

Do you know cheap places to eat and hang out with your friends when you are broke? 

In Indonesia and Malaysia, we have these famous eatery places to get a meal under RM5

They’re called WARMINDO (WARUNG MAKAN INDOMIE) in Indonesia and MAMAK in Malaysia. (FYI, Warmindo is also known as Warung Kopi Indomie/Warkop Indomie) 

These two places offer cheap to affordable food which are very suitable for students and workers. But, do they offer similar food and service? 

Here, we have listed out four differences between Warmindo and Mamak for you. (this will benefit you when you are travelling to Indonesia and Malaysia on a budget 😊)

1. Place

Images by Yulia Salsabila & Jendela Kemayoran
  • The place can be in the form of a small kiosk or a tent (tent warung) with separate wooden tables and plastic chairs or long wooden tables and benches 
  • The tent warung tend to be located in empty lots or at roadsides near crowded areas 
  • Some open for 24/7 and some open only from evening to morning 
  • Runs by native Indonesians
Images by Jean Khoo & Suara Perak
  • The place is like a casual restaurant where usually furnished with stainless steel tables, fans, and TVs or sometimes projectors and wifi 
  • Open for 24/7 
  • Runs by Malaysian Indians

2. Food

Indomie Bangladesh (Image by Wenny Margareth) &
 Indomie Pedas Mampus (Image by Maya Kinanty)
  • Mostly Indonesian dishes, but some warung also sells western food
  • Menu can be different depend on the location/province
  • Main dishes are instant noodles that are cooked in different styles (guarantee you that they are more delicious than you normally cook at home 😋) 
  • Nasi goreng and ropang/roti panggang (toast) are other popular dishes in Warmindo
Roti Canai (Image by vkeong), Maggi Goreng (Image by Seremban My Express) &
Nasi Kandar (Image by Media Suara Insan)
  • Provide both Malay and Indian dishes 
  • You can choose a la carte dishes from the menu or  nasi kandar (available from noon to evening) 
  • Varieties of nasi goreng (fried rice), roti canai, noodle, and soup are available here 
  • Nasi goreng, nasi briyani, nasi lemak, roti canai, roti telur, and maggi goreng are popular dishes in Mamak

3. Drinks

Bandrek (Image by Irfan Maulana)
  • Coffee, tea, and bandrek (spicy hot drink) are ordered by most people here
Teh Tarik (Images by Jennifer Ouellette & thickybox.com)
  • Teh tarik (pulled tea) and Milo are favourite drinks in Mamak

4. Customers

Nongkrong (Image by Cerita Medan) & Pedas Mampus Challenge (Image by http://nextshark.com/ via merahputih)
  • Most people like to come at night, especially students and working adults 
  • Chili-lovers like to eat here for spicy challenge (PEDAS MAMPUS Challenge!!!) 
  • Popular spot for chit-chatting with friends and couples to eat (one of dating spots. LOL 😄)
Image by Info Arca

  • Students, workers, and families like to go for breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea time, dinner, and supper here (basically suitable for anytime 😍) 
  • Popular place to eat while chit-chatting, lepak (chill), and watching live sport matches

Now you know the differences of Warmindo and Mamak. Even though they both offer cheap food, the facilities in Warmindo are still lacking compare to Mamak, with TVs and wifi available there. And, there are more noodle dishes in Warmindo, while Mamak has more roti dishes.

That’s all for this blog. Check other interesting information about the differences of Indonesia and Malaysia in our previous posts. See you next week for another new post! BYE!


  1. Setau saya
    Di Indonesia Julukan "Mamak stall" sendiri itu Pujasera bukan Warmindo


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